Our Services


Drop-in-centres for PLHIV and other socially-stigmatized communities 

Drop-in-centres for People Living with HIV and other members from socially stigmatized communities at Ghatkopar and Goregaon and Raigad provide an array of services, namely:

  • Counselling Services: Trained Peer Members from the community provide counselling on physical and mental health, nutrition, access and adherence to treatment, safe sexual health practices and on leading a good quality life with antiretroviral therapy 
  • Nutrition: Needy members from the community are linked to food security programmes from various donors. 
  • Linkages and referrals to continuum of care: Needy patients are referred for special care and treatment of various Opportunistic Infections like Tuberculosis, Sexual and reproductive health, and other co-morbid conditions like Diabetes Care.
Udaan Services
  • Information, Education and Communication (IEC): Through leaflets, pamphlets and other digital platforms, people visiting the drop-in-centres receive information on Leading a quality life with HIV, Information on sexually transmitted diseases and care, Correct and consistent use of condoms for safe sexual health practices, and Access to care and treatment.

HIV and STI Prevention services to MSM/TGs 

Outreach and communication

  • Peer led NGO supported outreach and behaviour change communication
  • Differentiated outreach based on risk and typology 
  • Interpersonal communication (IPC) and behaviour change communication (IPC) 


  • Promotion of condoms, linkages to STI (sexually transmitted infection) services and health services with a strong referral and follow up system.
  • Promotion/distribution of free condoms and other commodities 
  • Provision of basic STI and health services 
  • Linkages to other health services (e.g., for TB) and HIV testing services 
  • Provision of safe spaces (drop-in-centres or DICs) 
Udaan Services

Creating an Enabling Environment 

  • Advocacy with key stakeholders/power structures
  • Crisis management systems
  • Legal/rights education

Community Mobilization 

  • Building community ownership 
  • Collectivisation  
  • Creation of a space for community events
  • Building the capacity of the community to assume ownership of the programme


UDAAN aims at diversifying its work in the rural areas to support the unreached needy communities and resort to current systems including tech-savvy software to track and provide quality and meaningful support to the communities in need.